Legal Advice and Assistance Expert in Banking, Financial, Commercial, Bankruptcy and Civil Law
The over thirty years of experience gained by the Professionals have led to the acquisition of highly specialized knowledge in banking, financial, commercial, civil, bankruptcy, executive, GDPR and legal compliance matters and issues (Legislative Decree 231/2007; Legislative Decree no. LGS.231 / 2001; EU Regulation 2016/679, etc.), of the company in crisis, from a legal, managerial and organizational point of view, in the judicial and extrajudicial fields.
The in-depth analysis of the problems of its Clients allows the Firm’s Professionals to put their many years of experience at their disposal even in the event of restructuring and reorganization in the crisis phase, both for extraordinary transactions (mergers, demergers, company sales, etc.).
Legal advice and assistance are provided by Professionals to Clients, both in court and out of court, under the legal, managerial and organizational profiles, and concerns the different areas of competence indicated above. Fioretti & Soglia Legal Firm provides its services to both retail and corporate clients, both in terms of ordinary and extraordinary consultancy, both through continuous collaboration contracts and through specific assignments.
In the case of assistance and consultancy services, the Firm offers support to the entrepreneur and management in the planning of strategic choices, in the implementation of action plans, in the optimization of financial management, in the governance of change processes company and / or entrepreneur in the ordinary and extraordinary management of the activity, as well as the prevention of legal problems. For companies in crisis, also due to over-indebtedness, even in the event of corporate restructuring and reorganization, in the crisis phase, both for extraordinary operations (mergers, divisions, sales of companies, etc.), Fioretti & Soglia Legal provides its services for the resolution of management problems and for overcoming difficult phases, transforming them into opportunities for repositioning and development.
GDPR 679/2016 (Legislative Decree 101/2018 and 196/2003) and legal compliance (Legislative Decree 231/2007; Legislative Decree 231/2001; etc.)
The Firm was among the first Law Firms in the national context to deal with the protection of personal data, anti-money laundering and administrative liability of companies and entities. Also in this field the Firm can boast Professionals with national level experience in the anti-money laundering field – speakers in conferences held alongside the heads of the Financial Information Unit -, or recognition of specialization by the forensic world – the Firm lends its work of Data Protection Officer of the Avellino Bar Association, speakers at conferences held on privacy -.
The Firm’s Professionals offer their services on the topics in the epigraph both as Advisors or as Consultants and as Data Protection Officers.
The Firm was also selected by Confindustria di Avellino for assistance to its registered companies in the field of GDPR and, for this area, boasts a memorandum of understanding.
Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration specialized in banking and financial matters
Since 2011, after careful selection, the Firm has been the legal seat of the brokerage body specialized in banking and finance headed by the Italian Banking Association. The headquarters of the Financial Banking Conciliator is in Rome at Via Botteghe Oscure n.54
Professional Banking and Financial Training
The Firm employs professionals with over thirty years of experience in specialized training in banking and financial law and technique, ranging from payment instruments to anti-money laundering, from Mifid to privacy, from compliance with Legislative Decree 231/2001, etc. The training activity was and is provided, through specialized training companies, to both local and national banks.
Legal Advice and Assistance for Citizens of the United States of America
The Firm has been selected since 2011 by the Embassy of the United States of America through its Consulate in Naples for the needs of its citizens in Italy (https://it.usembassy.gov/wp-content/uploads/ sites / 67 / ACS-Legal-Naples-Sep2019.pdf).
The Firm, having professionals who speak English and Spanish fluently, is able to interact with foreign clients and firms, in the context of national and transnational law relationships, with particular regard to international commercial and banking law.
The Firm was also selected by Confindustria di Avellino for assistance to its members in banking and financial matters and, also for this area, boasts a memorandum of understanding